Monday, December 13, 2010

Review of English 100

My review of English 100
            I believe English 100 as helped me as a writer. Before English 100, all my papers have been only a page long. My pass English classes my teachers made grammar more important than the actually paper length.  Being in English 100 this pass semester, I learned how to write an actual academic paper. I also think that after being in English 100, I have become a better reader and writer.   I’ve became a better reader and writer because being assigned to write a blog entry about what we have read helps me better understand what I have read. Having to blog our assignments   makes doing homework a lot easier. I’m able to look up and write down the questions without having to close the book. Blogging makes the class easy as well because the teacher is able to pull up our assignments. The teacher wouldn’t be able to lose papers.
            Blogging is similar to a journal because you are able to blog about things you read. You can write anything you want.  The only difference is that you write more professional in the blog verse a journal. In a journal, it is more private. Only you can read what’s put into it. The couple of things I would like to see change with this class are the peer review. I think we should can more time in class to peer review. In addition, I would like to see change is the time we have in class to work on task papers.  Those are the only things I would like to see change. 

Self-evaluation for task four

·                     What is the thesis for your paper?
My thesis for task four was why I love to read. And I found a love for reading. It wasn’t until I learned how to read that I could really understand the books.

·                     List the main points you make in your paper.
The main points in my paper were when I was a child and reading, learning how to read and  not liking to read, going to high school and finding a book that helped me love to read.

·                     What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
The most helpful advice I received from my peer evaluation is to show relation between I the two essays.

·                     What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpful information I received in class is for me to show more that I can relate to the authors.

·                     How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote two drafts. I wrote them a week before. I composed both of them at the computer. I only wrote some notes. I tried to write one whole draft but I end up only writing in small chucks.

·                     What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I would have found more quotes and written down more examples.

·                     What are most pleased with about this paper?
I’m pleased with my introduction on my paper.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Response to "Literacy Autobiography"

Response to “Literacy Autobiography”
            My present educational story is not a good one.  I have been in school ever since I graduated high school. I was kind of forced to continue my education by my parents. My mother told me I had no other choice. I really didn’t want to start college right away. I wanted to just work and travel the states. But that is not okay with my parents.  College is not was I expected, I thought it would be a little easier. I had a couple of classes that I didn’t do so well in.  During the time I thought I was doing well, but I wasn’t. My mom was not happy about the classes I didn’t do well in.  She told me to straighten up or find somewhere to live.
            I have learned that I need to start studying harder. And not try to be like my friends, who didn’t attend college and just lived at home with no job. I also learned that college is going to get harder as I take more classes. I have time to actually decide what I want to do. I have gained that you have to be successful with what you love to do. My views changed only a little bit on education and college. My ability of doing school homework has been a challenged. Not having a very affected high school experience, I have a hard time during simple school work. So whether college is for me or not, I will always have education experiences in my life.     

Monday, November 1, 2010

Task Three

          The same as the students in Kozol book "Save Inequalities: Children in America's School", the inner city school I attended was mostly nonwhite. In addition, the school conditions were the same as well. I had to go to a school that had heat but wouldn't turn it on because they thought the students would stay awake during class. As the same as in the high schools in "Save Inequalities: Children in America's School", our school had students that had to live in the "ghetto" or the "dead zone".   They were the students that the teachers had no hope for.    

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why I'm at College

Why I’m at College
I’m at college because I wanted to continue my education as a young African American. In addition, I want to be successful in life. The way our economic is, you have to have a degree in a field that you know would have a guarantee job opening for you. I also chose college because I didn’t want to work a low paying job all my life. I’m at college because I didn’t want to go into the service or get a job and pay bills yet. I guess I’m in college because I wasn’t ready to grow up completely. I still wanted to learn new things that someone who teaches it is passionate about what they teach others.  I love to learn new things and being able to use them to help other people. College is a great place to help continue learning with other people who want the same thing.
I was rather forced to go to college. My parents told my younger sisters and I that we had to either go to college or join the service. They said that they wanted us to be successful and live a life without financial problems. They’re not the only reason I decided to go to college. I also wanted to get a job that will help people.  I decided to be an anesthesiologist nurse. Getting a job in the medical field is a guarantee job that I know will always have an opening.  I always wanted to have a job that is in the medical filed because I love to help people.    

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Response to "Where College Fails Us"

Response to “Where College Fails Us”
            My experiences in college have been not like I wanted them to be. My first year at college, I was at a community college. Being there was like going to high school again. All the teachers and students act like their still freshman in high school. Half the time the teacher doesn’t show up for class. The students are disrespectful towards the teacher as well. I was not impressed with college at this time. I tried to study hard to pass all my classes but not everyone is perfect. So after I got my final grades, I started to get a little discourage. However, after transferring to a different college I have more self-esteem. My experiences at college now are more positive.  My teachers actually act more mature and the students do too.  This helps being able to keep good grades.
            I’m in college because I want to better myself, and to learn more. Another reason I’m in college is that my parents gives my sisters and I no other option. However, just like the story said, parents pressure their children to go to college. My parents aren’t the only reason I’m at college. I’m also at college because the United States are in a economy where people without college degrees can’t find jobs. Therefore, it is best to go to college and get one. Yes, I think college is worth the time, and effort. Because in order for us to have doctors and lawyers, people must learn how to be a proper one. With that said college is worth every minute and penny.            

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self-Evaluation on Task Two

  1. My thesis for my paper was "From hearing, and watching my grandmother, I learned it's never too late to go back to school."
  2. The main points are growing up going to school half a day,moving to a different city going to different schools,high school and putting in for colleges,going to Denver University,marrying at a young age, and going back to school.
  3. The most helpful advice i go was to go into more detail about some of my main points.
  4. The most helpful information i received is to write an outline.
  5. I think i wrote about 3 drafts and i wrote the first one by hand and the rest at the keyboard. Yes, i wrote a lot of notes to myself. As i wrote more I had more to ask my grandmother.
  6. What I would do different is actually ask more questions to help better write my paper.
  7. I think i'm most pleased about the way the paper turned out.  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Response to "Becoming Educated"

Response to “Becoming Educated”
Education to me is learning something new and storing it to remember. If you learn things and are able to repeat what you learned than that’s education. Education you also keep learning new things. You have to keep learning new things to stay up with education. To me education never gets old. There is always something new to learn no matter how old or young you are. In order to stay up with the new technology you must keep learning. You can find education in just about everything. No matter where you are, there is always somewhere to find knowledge.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My interview process

In my interview, almost all my questions remained the same. It went very well; my grandma was very open with me about her childhood and her education. It was conducted in my grandmother’s kitchen at her big table. I learned a lot about my grandma that I didn’t know.  She told my how she only went to school half a day until she was nine. In addition, that she was born in da country and that the house nurse didn’t tell the hospital she was here until two days after she was born. I intend to write like a story from my point of view and take my information and put into my story.  I’m concern that my story will not be long enough. I don’t know how to overcome them.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My 5 questions for task two

1.      Where were you raised as a child?
2.      Was you refused education growing up?
3.      Was you able to graduate high school?
4.      How was your school experience growing up?
I would ask these questions because I don’t know much about my subject and if their school education was denied or allow. But I also don't know what esle to ask my subject.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Response to “Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood”

Response to “Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood”
       The cuenots in her memoir are women stories because she was a women herself growing up in a Puerto Rican home. In addition, women found telling stories kind of like an outlet. Their grandmother was the main storyteller in the family.  They also found it like bonding time for them without the men being around. In addition, women are more open to tell about things that have happened to them.  The women stories are like warning signs to tell the younger what to watch out for, as they get older.
            The equivalent for the boys in the family would be the grandfather would be the main storyteller. Instead of them sitting around a room in rocking chairs, they might outside playing a game of football or catch. As they, play they would tell stories and the younger men would listen to the stories. They would give advice to each other. The uncles and grandfather are the main ones to tell the stories while the younger boys just play and listen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task two questions

I'm interested in writing about one of my two grandmothers.

Why are you interested in these subjects?
    I'm interested in writing both of these subjects because of my grandmothers grew up in the 1950's and early 1960's. Around this time was segregation.
What makes him/her interesting and unique?
        What makes one of my grandmothers interesting is that she grew up in Mississippi and had to pick cotton and go to school.  And my other grandmother had to teach herself her homework because her mother past away when she was 12 and she had eight other siblings and their Big Mama had to raise all of them.

What sort of questions would you ask and why?
        I would ask both of my grandmothers how it felt not being able to have other friends besides their own race.

What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
           I think the sort of problems I might have is coming up with questions to ask my subject.

What do you anticipate? Why?
      I anticipate that this will be a hard but interesting paper. Because I never had to interview someone for a paper but also it would be interesting because both my grandmother's tells interesting stories.

What questions do you have for Task Two?
            I don't understand how to turn my interview questions into a story for the paper.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Self Evaluation for task one

What is the thesis for your paper?
      My thesis for my paper is my younger cousin and how she's been through a lot since her mother past away but she still tries to be strong.

List the main points you make in your paper.
   The 1st main point is how my cousin changed after my aunt past away.
   The 2nd main point is how my cousin and her father don't get along.
   The 3rd main point is how my cousin is a victim of child abuse.
   The last main point is how my cousin been moved from school to school.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
       The most helpful advice was for me to look at the organization of my paper.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
       The most helpful information I received is to read my paper aloud to check for errors.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Task One

My significant Cousin

She’s actually gone. We will never be able to see her again. July 31st, 2001 is the worst day of my life. My aunt Kelly has past away leaving her husband and 5-year-old daughter. How will this affect Montae, my cousin? Does she remember her mother? These questions run through my mom, dad, and grandma’s heads.

Ever since my aunt passed away, my little cousin has not been the same. She is quite, doesn’t say much to anyone. When school started, she would cry when the teacher talked about mother’s day or anything that has to do with moms. I would have to leave my class to go comfort her. My cousin and my aunt were close. Every time you see my aunt, you saw my cousin. My aunt dressed my cousin up in little cute outfits. My cousin is a very closed up, she doesn’t tell people her feelings. I think that with my aunt gone my cousin hasn’t been able to live her childhood like she should be.

For the past nine years, my cousin has been through hell. Her and her dad hasn’t been on the same page since her mom passed away. They fight over everything. Her dad has been in many relationships that he sometimes forgets that my cousin is his daughter. My cousin never gets along with his girlfriends because as she grows older she realizes that her dad wasn’t treating her right. He has been keeping her mother’s social security check from her and not taking care of her. He would take the money and spend on himself or his new girlfriend. He would have my cousin in clothes that were too small for her and shoes that hurt her feet. This was a reason why they fought.

My little cousin witness domestic violence and has been a victim of child abuse. He dad is the reason behind this. The abuse has been growing with every new girlfriend he gets. At first, he was just abusing his girlfriends. Not all of them stayed around afterwards but the last girlfriend has been staying around for about 4 years now. She had two of my cousin’s half brother and sister. Her and my cousin doesn’t get along at all. However, ever since my cousin’s dad n his girlfriend got together is when my cousin started to get abused. Her dad has beaten her for the littlest things. One time he almost broke her ankle. Every time that has happen, my mom goes and saves my cousin and she lives with us for a week or so.

Ever since my aunt has been gone, my little cousin has been to a minimum of seven different schools. She is now in her freshman year in high school. My cousin has lived in almost every apartment and house in Kansas City, MO. Her dad would move in either his girlfriend’s place or his own place but could never pay bills on time. For about two years, my cousin had lived with us. Then she moved back with her dad. My mom wasn’t too happy about my cousin always moving from school to school. It wasn’t until this past two years my mom has decided to fight my cousin’s dad for custody. In addition, it hasn’t been an easy two years for my mom or my cousin.

My little cousin who is now 14 years has not had the easiest life. She has been through more than people know. However, she is the strongest and most outgoing teenager I ever know. She still gets emotional when we talk about her mom but she doesn’t let it stop her from living her life. My mother has soul-custody for her, now she’s in a stable home. My little cousin is now enjoying her life as a kid. She still keeps in contact with her dad and half-siblings. My little cousin is now my little sister.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Response to "Becoming a Chicano"

Response to “On Becoming a Chicano”

My racial identity is Mixed-American. It is not an actual name, but I’m not full African-American nor am I half-white and black. I’m mixed with Black, Indian, Irish, and Italian. When I tell people, what my racial identity is they laugh and tell me I’m a mixed-breed, like I’m a dog. The struggles I face are being made fun of because I’m not just one race. When I was a kid, I use to get teased about not being just one. At the time, I didn’t even know what I was. However, as I got older my grandmother on my mom’s side became to explain to me what race is and what I was. She helped me see that people shouldn’t judge off what other people look like.

My experiences are similar to Rodriguez, by when he said he forgot what he was when his teachers was forcing him to change the way he spoke by telling him he had to speak English. When I was in school, I was forced to mark on state test that I was African-American. I couldn’t put everything down that I was mixed with. My mother told me that the test didn’t care about what people’s racial identity was. Therefore, I had to live with just marking that I was African-American. That was the only experience similar to Rodriguez.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Response to "How it Feels to Be Colored Me"

Response to “How it Feels to Be Colored Me”

I label myself as a social, outspoken, fair, and honest person. I been in a mixed school, also in an all dominate white school. I never knew the difference in colors because in my home we were never taught, you’re the black girl and the neighbors are white. Everyone was the same and all people are equal. I treat everyone the same no matter their colored. In my day-to-day life, I don’t find myself running into problems like other colored females. Some judge people before they get to know others. I don’t judge people because I know what it’s like to be judged. I find myself in the middle of some arguments. Because I been on both sides of arguments. My self-identity as showed me that it is better to be yourself and don’t let others change who you are just because of you color.

Zora and I are somewhat like. She doesn’t see color in her own town. She sees everyone as the same. It wasn’t until she was forced to move into a different school when she seen that she was colored. I didn’t realize a difference in me being colored until I went to another school. Still I wasn’t treated different from the white children. I was just a little darker than they were.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ideas for Task One

Ideas for Task One

I’m thinking about writing about a significant person. I have two people I would like to write about but I don’t know which one to write about. One of the people is my mother. I chose her because she’s like my best friend. In addition, she is very strong woman who has been through a lot in her life. The other person I wanted to write about is my little cousin, Montae. She is 14 years and her mother, my aunt passed away 9 years ago. Since then my cousin has been going through a lot with her dad. She has witness domestic violence, child abuse and consist moving from school to school. Now she lives with my family. Her dad has given up his parental rights.

The sort of problems I think I may have is being able to put everything that as happen into one paper. I anticipate that I will have too much to say. Because both of my topics have a lot, I can say. I don’t have any questions for task one as of right now.

Response to "Rite of Passage"

Response to “Rite of Passage”

I remember my grandfather a lot. He passed away last November. It hurt me so much because when I found out I wasn’t even in town. I was in Columbia, Missouri at a cheerleading competition. I remember riding in the car on the way back home trying to remember when I last talked or seen my grandfather. I realized that, it was May of the same year. He came to my graduation and birthday party. I was very happy to see him. The last time I had seen him was months before when he came to our house to tell us he has lung cancer.

Thinking about my grandfather, I use to love to go to his house as a kid. He had many plants. When we would pull into his driveway, there was a huge window and all we would see are his plants. I use to think that we were going to a jungle. My grandfather also had birds. They were parrots. The parrots were very loud and noisy. Whenever the morning came, the parrots would start to sing. I never really knew exactly what they were singing. My grandfather always told me that they were singing from the heart. My grandfather was very caring person. He cared a lot for his grandchildren. We didn’t talk as much as I wish we should have but I’m glad just I got a chance to know him before he passed away.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of Introduction

Introduction Letter:

My name is Jerann White and graduate from Belton High School. My freshman year of college I went to Longview Community College in Lee Summit. Therefore, I’m a transfer student and this is my sophomore year at college. My intended major is anesthesiologist nursing. If I ever decide to change my major, I would like to do culinary. Also, open a bakery, like the television show “Cake Boss.”

I’m from Kansas City, Missouri. I graduated from Belton High School in 2009. I cheered all four years in high school. I was in DECA for two years. My senior year about seven girls and myself went to New York on a DECA conference with the DECA sponsors, who happen to be my cheer coaches. It was a great experience. I didn’t find myself in class like I should have been. I had work release. Therefore, I was only at school for half a day. My English class was not a normal class. All we did was watch movies and talk about them. We do a lot of writing.

When I went to college, my English class was mostly about grammar and a little writing. The problems I have with writing are the thesis statement and doing transitions into other paragraphs. However, I have no problem with coming up with ideas. I also like to write poems when I get a chance. I also like to read books outside of class. I don’t like reading aloud because I have low self teem about reading n front of other people. I’m excited to see what this year will bring me in this class.