Monday, December 13, 2010

Review of English 100

My review of English 100
            I believe English 100 as helped me as a writer. Before English 100, all my papers have been only a page long. My pass English classes my teachers made grammar more important than the actually paper length.  Being in English 100 this pass semester, I learned how to write an actual academic paper. I also think that after being in English 100, I have become a better reader and writer.   I’ve became a better reader and writer because being assigned to write a blog entry about what we have read helps me better understand what I have read. Having to blog our assignments   makes doing homework a lot easier. I’m able to look up and write down the questions without having to close the book. Blogging makes the class easy as well because the teacher is able to pull up our assignments. The teacher wouldn’t be able to lose papers.
            Blogging is similar to a journal because you are able to blog about things you read. You can write anything you want.  The only difference is that you write more professional in the blog verse a journal. In a journal, it is more private. Only you can read what’s put into it. The couple of things I would like to see change with this class are the peer review. I think we should can more time in class to peer review. In addition, I would like to see change is the time we have in class to work on task papers.  Those are the only things I would like to see change. 

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