Thursday, March 24, 2011

My argument on Plastic Surgery

My argument on Plastic Surgery
            In the article, I have chosen it talks about how women undergo surgery to impress the opposite sex or to be happy within themselves. However the argument is more towards why do we need to look better for someone else? As a young woman growing up, I was taught that it is your inner beauty that a man looks for.  Therefore, for me to see other young women and older women paying money to get their outer beauty changed makes me wonder if I was taught right. Cosmetic surgery is becoming very popular across the world.  In an interview conducted in a study it was said that getting a simple face-lift makes them feel new. If women keep changing their looks, aren’t they losing themselves? After all the fights, women go thorough to get equal rights in America, then why do they listen to what men say? I plan to use all the information I find to answer these questions and to help my argument have a better understanding.
I really don’t know what else I need to look for. I’m having a hard time putting together my research.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plastic Surgery and Women

Plastic surgery and Women
My theme or issue I decided to research is plastic surgeries and women who go through them to impress their man or just any man.  In 2007 a roughly $14 billion dollars was spent on plastic surgery, according to Tom Hooyman, who’s a health care administration professor.  I would like to find out why so much is being spent. Most women say it’s to make them happy within themselves. However, others say it’s to impress their love one. What interests me about this is how women and some men think that they have to look a certain way to impress someone else. As we grow up our elders, tell us that we are beautiful and should love being young. In addition, they tell us that we should want to look young all our lives. Therefore, as women grow older they think that they have to look young, in order to hear that they are pretty.
I haven’t came up with a research question yet. I don’t really know what to look at. I what to explore the different types of surgeries women undergo.  In addition, I want to explore why they undergo certain surgeries.  Plastic surgery is also known as cosmetic surgery. In this research, I hope to find the reasons behind plastic surgery and why women spend so much money on getting them.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pathos of lyrics "Runaway Love"

“Runaway Love”
            Ludacris is a very well known artist across the United States. He has won tons of awards for his music. Ludacris is also a co-founder of a record label. The genre he performs in is rap/hip-hop. Ludacris is known more as a hip-hop artist. Not all his songs talk about problems going on in the world. Some are very explicit, and can be seen as degrading to women. However, no one seems to care. Some of Ludacris’s songs are about problems that are current in the world. One of his famous songs is “Runaway Love” featuring Mary J. Bilge. It is mainly about three little girls going through a hard time in their life.  The song is for young girls who are going through this around the world and expressing they story that they are too afraid to tell.
            The first verse is about a girl name Lisa, 9 years old who is being raped by her mom’s random boyfriends. In addition, when Lisa tells her mother, she don’t believe her. So Lisa is forced pack her clothes and runaway.  The next verse is about a girl named Nicole, 10 years old, who is being abused by her alcoholic step dad. Then she finds a friend who is going through the same thing she is. However, her friend is shot in a drive by shooting and she dies. So Nicole packs her clothes and runaway. The last girl in the last verse is named Erica, 11 years old, who is having unprotected sex with a boy that is sixteen. She pops Ex pills to get rid of her pain. She finds out she is pregnant and the boys leaves. In addition, she can’t tell her mother, because she would freak out and she can’t afford abortion. So Erica packs her bags and runaway. At the end of the song, Ludacris tells them to not runaway and that he can only image what they are going through.  This song is made to tell young girls that they are not alone.     

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Writerly Biography

            My name is Jerann White. I come from Belton, Missouri. My experiences with reading and writing are not bad. In high school, my English teacher’s did not enforce to importance on reading. I read books and wrote poems outside the classroom.  Then my 1st year in college at Longview Community College, I found that the English teacher was the same way.  All we did work on was grammar. I transfer to MWSU last fall and the English class was better prepared.  I found myself doing more reading and writing in the classroom.  I was a little sacred at first but as the class went on, I found it not as bad. What my classmates and professor need to know about me is that I don’t write my drafts in order. I sometimes start in the middle.  Then beginning followed by the conclusion. My strengths are ideas and being able to free hand my papers. My weaknesses are the thesis to a paper as a writer. However, as a reader my weakness is being able to relate to the story and comprehension. These practices excite me because I’m able to write down my thoughts and voice my opinion.