Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Writerly Biography

            My name is Jerann White. I come from Belton, Missouri. My experiences with reading and writing are not bad. In high school, my English teacher’s did not enforce to importance on reading. I read books and wrote poems outside the classroom.  Then my 1st year in college at Longview Community College, I found that the English teacher was the same way.  All we did work on was grammar. I transfer to MWSU last fall and the English class was better prepared.  I found myself doing more reading and writing in the classroom.  I was a little sacred at first but as the class went on, I found it not as bad. What my classmates and professor need to know about me is that I don’t write my drafts in order. I sometimes start in the middle.  Then beginning followed by the conclusion. My strengths are ideas and being able to free hand my papers. My weaknesses are the thesis to a paper as a writer. However, as a reader my weakness is being able to relate to the story and comprehension. These practices excite me because I’m able to write down my thoughts and voice my opinion.    


  1. Hi Jerann,

    Welcome back! I'm happy to see that you have enrolled with me once again.

    So what did you do on your winter break? Anything exciting?

    As you may have found out last semester, there is no "order" to write a draft. We all write "Shitty First Drafts". And sometimes, we may write the body of the paragraphs and then the conclusion and the intro. That's ok :)

    Ms. C

  2. Hi Ms.C,
    I'm happy to be back in your class.

    I really didn't do a lot over break. I just worked and hung out with friends. So nothing too exciting. How was your winter break?

    But yes, i did found that there is no "order" to write. Thank you a lot for the help.
    :) Jerann

  3. Hi Jerann,

    It sounds like your winter break was much similar to mine. Unfortunately, I wish the weather that we are having now would have happened during the break, but no one can foresee that :)

    Ms C
