Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why I'm at College

Why I’m at College
I’m at college because I wanted to continue my education as a young African American. In addition, I want to be successful in life. The way our economic is, you have to have a degree in a field that you know would have a guarantee job opening for you. I also chose college because I didn’t want to work a low paying job all my life. I’m at college because I didn’t want to go into the service or get a job and pay bills yet. I guess I’m in college because I wasn’t ready to grow up completely. I still wanted to learn new things that someone who teaches it is passionate about what they teach others.  I love to learn new things and being able to use them to help other people. College is a great place to help continue learning with other people who want the same thing.
I was rather forced to go to college. My parents told my younger sisters and I that we had to either go to college or join the service. They said that they wanted us to be successful and live a life without financial problems. They’re not the only reason I decided to go to college. I also wanted to get a job that will help people.  I decided to be an anesthesiologist nurse. Getting a job in the medical field is a guarantee job that I know will always have an opening.  I always wanted to have a job that is in the medical filed because I love to help people.    

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Response to "Where College Fails Us"

Response to “Where College Fails Us”
            My experiences in college have been not like I wanted them to be. My first year at college, I was at a community college. Being there was like going to high school again. All the teachers and students act like their still freshman in high school. Half the time the teacher doesn’t show up for class. The students are disrespectful towards the teacher as well. I was not impressed with college at this time. I tried to study hard to pass all my classes but not everyone is perfect. So after I got my final grades, I started to get a little discourage. However, after transferring to a different college I have more self-esteem. My experiences at college now are more positive.  My teachers actually act more mature and the students do too.  This helps being able to keep good grades.
            I’m in college because I want to better myself, and to learn more. Another reason I’m in college is that my parents gives my sisters and I no other option. However, just like the story said, parents pressure their children to go to college. My parents aren’t the only reason I’m at college. I’m also at college because the United States are in a economy where people without college degrees can’t find jobs. Therefore, it is best to go to college and get one. Yes, I think college is worth the time, and effort. Because in order for us to have doctors and lawyers, people must learn how to be a proper one. With that said college is worth every minute and penny.            

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self-Evaluation on Task Two

  1. My thesis for my paper was "From hearing, and watching my grandmother, I learned it's never too late to go back to school."
  2. The main points are growing up going to school half a day,moving to a different city going to different schools,high school and putting in for colleges,going to Denver University,marrying at a young age, and going back to school.
  3. The most helpful advice i go was to go into more detail about some of my main points.
  4. The most helpful information i received is to write an outline.
  5. I think i wrote about 3 drafts and i wrote the first one by hand and the rest at the keyboard. Yes, i wrote a lot of notes to myself. As i wrote more I had more to ask my grandmother.
  6. What I would do different is actually ask more questions to help better write my paper.
  7. I think i'm most pleased about the way the paper turned out.  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Response to "Becoming Educated"

Response to “Becoming Educated”
Education to me is learning something new and storing it to remember. If you learn things and are able to repeat what you learned than that’s education. Education you also keep learning new things. You have to keep learning new things to stay up with education. To me education never gets old. There is always something new to learn no matter how old or young you are. In order to stay up with the new technology you must keep learning. You can find education in just about everything. No matter where you are, there is always somewhere to find knowledge.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My interview process

In my interview, almost all my questions remained the same. It went very well; my grandma was very open with me about her childhood and her education. It was conducted in my grandmother’s kitchen at her big table. I learned a lot about my grandma that I didn’t know.  She told my how she only went to school half a day until she was nine. In addition, that she was born in da country and that the house nurse didn’t tell the hospital she was here until two days after she was born. I intend to write like a story from my point of view and take my information and put into my story.  I’m concern that my story will not be long enough. I don’t know how to overcome them.